The beloved ITV soap Emmerdale is set to bid a heartfelt goodbye to one of its most iconic characters, Zak Dingle. The show’s producers have confirmed that a storyline incorporating the death of Zak, played by the late Steve Halliwell, will air later this year. This news has sparked speculation among fans about potential character returns for the emotional funeral scenes.
Steve Halliwell, who portrayed Zak Dingle for nearly three decades, sadly passed away at the age of 77 in 2023 after battling health issues. Since then, the character of Zak has been off-screen, residing with his granddaughter Debbie in Scotland. The Dingle family, a cornerstone of the Yorkshire Dales-based soap, has remained a central part of Emmerdale’s storylines, with various members making trips to visit Zak.
Emmerdale producer Sophie Roper has promised viewers a fitting tribute to both the character of Zak and the actor Steve Halliwell. Recognizing the significant impact Halliwell had on the show and its audience, Roper acknowledged the difficulty of filming these scenes for the cast, crew, and viewers who have grown to love Zak over the years. She assured fans that the tribute would be “hugely fitting for such an iconic character.”
As news of the upcoming funeral storyline spreads, fans have begun speculating about potential character returns. Many believe that Zak’s granddaughter, Debbie Dingle, played by Charley Webb, is likely to make a comeback for this momentous occasion. Debbie, a regular on the show since 2002, left the village in 2021 to live in Scotland with Zak. Fans argue that her return would provide a meaningful way to deliver the news of Zak’s passing to the Dingle family and the village.
On online forums, viewers have expressed their hopes for Debbie’s return, with one fan stating, “I hope Debbie comes back to break the news. It would be fitting for the Dingles to be told, properly, (not by phone) of Zak’s passing.” Others have suggested that Debbie could be responsible for bringing Zak’s body back to the village, adding an extra layer of emotional weight to her potential return.
The discussion has also sparked interest in other possible character comebacks for the funeral scenes. Some fans have mentioned the possibility of Jacqueline Chadwick reprising her role as Tina Dingle, suggesting that hearing of Zak’s death could prompt her return to pay her respects.
While the return of Debbie Dingle remains speculation at this point, many viewers feel it would be a logical and respectful way to honor both the character of Zak and the legacy of Steve Halliwell. The funeral storyline presents an opportunity for Emmerdale to bring together both current and former cast members, creating a powerful tribute to a character who has been at the heart of the show for so many years.
As Emmerdale prepares to say goodbye to Zak Dingle, fans are eagerly anticipating how the show will handle this emotional storyline. The potential return of beloved characters, combined with the promise of a fitting tribute, ensures that this farewell will be a memorable and touching moment in the soap’s history.