15 huge Home and Away spoilers for next week (July 1 to 5)

Summer Bay braces for shocking twists as a beloved resident fights for life! Don’t miss upcoming drama on Home and Away. Felicity and Mac attempt a truce, but danger lurks for Tane. Will he be wrongly imprisoned? Tune in to see how these storylines unfold in the sunny town of Summer Bay.

1. Stevie goes missing

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All isn’t well on the set of the new rom-com “All Our Tomorrows” filming in Summer Bay. The leading lady, horror movie icon Stevie Marlow, has vanished! It’s supposed to be the first day of shooting, but director Nelson is fuming as Stevie is nowhere to be found. Adding to the chaos, her bodyguard, Cash, is also unreachable, with unanswered calls piling up.

Turns out, Stevie isn’t on some glamorous Hollywood bender. We find her holed up with Cash, drowning her sorrows and dodging Nelson’s calls. It seems a recent confidence crisis has thrown her off track. Thankfully, Stevie eventually rallies and makes it onto the set, but not without a stern warning from Nelson. Cash faces the director’s wrath too, with a clear message: this disappearing act can’t happen again. Will Stevie be able to get back on track and deliver a stellar performance, or will her off-screen drama sabotage the entire production?

2. Tane receives worrying news

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Tane’s upcoming court case hangs heavy in the air. He and his lawyer, Marshall, are diligently preparing for the hearing, but a dark cloud of doubt looms large. Tane’s biggest worry? The lack of credible witnesses in his favor. He desperately needs someone to back his story, but the situation takes a turn for the worse when Harper delivers some devastating news.

Both she and her sister, Dana, have been subpoenaed to testify against Tane. This revelation hits him hard. While Harper assures him she has no choice, the weight of their potential testimony against him is a crushing blow. However, Marshall, ever the strategist, sees an opportunity. He’s confident that a skilled cross-examination can expose inconsistencies in the sisters’ stories and potentially turn their words to Tane’s advantage. Will Marshall’s gamble pay off, or will their testimonies seal Tane’s fate?

3. Mali regrets hiring Kirby

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There’s trouble brewing at Mantaray Boards. New recruit, Kirby, is brimming with enthusiasm after scoring a phone number during her first surf lesson. Unfortunately, her celebratory bragging takes a turn for the worse when Mali overhears her loudly gossiping about Mackenzie and Levi’s secret affair. This is a major blow for Mali, who had specifically asked Kirby to keep the matter confidential.

Mali confronts Kirby, but her lack of remorse and carefree attitude leave him with a bitter taste in his mouth. He begins to question his decision to hire her. Can Kirby learn to follow instructions and keep sensitive information private, or will her loose lips continue to cause trouble for Mali and the business?

4. Mali and Kirby call a truce

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After a thoughtful conversation with Alf, who offers his unconventional yet insightful perspective, Mali gains a fresh outlook on the Kirby situation. Armed with this new understanding, she decides to approach Kirby once more, this time with an open mind.

Their confrontation takes an unexpected turn as Mali begins to truly listen to Kirby’s side of the story. Recognizing the complexity of the situation, Mali acknowledges that while dating students is indeed problematic, her initial reaction may have been overly harsh. Kirby, in turn, shows a willingness to compromise and address Mali’s concerns.

As they navigate this delicate conversation, both women realize the importance of finding common ground. Mali expresses her expectations for professional conduct, while Kirby seeks clarity on the boundaries Mali wishes to establish. Through honest dialogue and mutual respect, they begin to forge a tentative truce, laying the groundwork for a more harmonious working relationship.

5. Xander quits Salt

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Determined to salvage the deteriorating work environment at Salt, Xander calls an urgent team meeting with Mac and Felicity. He implores them to set aside their personal conflicts for the sake of the business, emphasizing the importance of professionalism and cooperation.

Despite Xander’s efforts, tensions continue to simmer. Mac attempts to extend an olive branch to Felicity regarding the Tane situation, but her well-intentioned gesture backfires, only serving to exacerbate Felicity’s frustration and deepen the rift between them.

The breaking point comes when Xander finds himself caught in the crossfire of yet another heated argument between his co-workers. Overwhelmed by the toxic atmosphere and feeling powerless to effect change, Xander makes a shocking decision. In a moment of raw emotion and frustration, he stuns Mac and Felicity by abruptly announcing his resignation from Salt, leaving them to grapple with the consequences of their actions and the uncertain future of the restaurant.

6. Felicity offers Mac an olive branch

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In the wake of Xander’s sudden resignation, Eden suggests a drastic solution to Felicity’s ongoing conflict with Mac: selling her share of Salt. However, Xander, despite his decision to quit, provides Felicity with a much-needed perspective on the situation. His insights force Felicity to confront the true value of what she’d be giving up – not just a business, but a dream and a part of her identity.

This moment of clarity becomes a catalyst for change. Realizing the high stakes involved, Felicity swallows her pride and extends an olive branch to Mac. Their conversation, though initially tense, evolves into a frank discussion about their shared passion for Salt and the importance of their partnership.

Together, they commit to presenting a united front at work, setting aside personal grievances for the greater good of the restaurant. This newfound harmony not only mends their fractured relationship but also persuades a relieved Xander to reconsider his resignation and rejoin the team, breathing new life into Salt’s future.

7. Levi lashes out at Eden

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Buoyed by his blossoming relationship with Mac, Levi takes a bold step towards his new future by resigning from St Christopher’s. His optimism, however, is short-lived when he encounters Eden. The meeting quickly turns contentious as Eden, still grappling with the pain of their broken relationship, accuses Levi of cowardice in facing the consequences of his actions.

Pushed to his breaking point, Levi’s composed facade crumbles. In a moment of raw emotion, he retaliates, reminding Eden of the decade they spent apart and asserting his ability to move forward without her if she can’t accept his new relationship with Mac. His words, sharp and unfiltered, reveal the depth of his frustration and his determination to pursue happiness, even at the cost of his long-standing connection with Eden.

This heated exchange marks a turning point in their dynamic, challenging both Levi and Eden to confront the reality of their changing lives and relationships in Summer Bay.

8. Levi considers his future

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In the aftermath of their explosive confrontation, Eden finds herself struggling to contain her anger towards Levi. When Cash suggests it might be time for her to move on, she bristles at the advice, unwilling to let go of her resentment so easily.

Meanwhile, Levi’s professional life takes an unexpected turn during a coffee catch-up with Bree. She plants the seed of an intriguing possibility: opening his own cardio unit in Summer Bay. The idea captivates Levi, offering a potential path to establish himself permanently in the community and build a lasting legacy.

As Levi begins to seriously explore this exciting prospect, he’s surprised by Eden’s unexpected appearance at his door. In a moment of personal growth, she extends an olive branch, agreeing to maintain a civil relationship. However, Eden makes it clear that this decision is for her own peace of mind rather than for Levi’s benefit, signaling a complex new chapter in their intertwined lives.

9. Justin has a romantic surprise for Leah

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With their marriage certificate finally in hand, courtesy of John, Justin’s heart swells with excitement as he plans a heartfelt surprise for Leah. However, his romantic intentions are repeatedly thwarted as Leah finds herself caught up in the whirlwind of managing the Diner, now bustling with demands from the hungry film crew that has descended upon Summer Bay.

Justin’s attempts to steal a moment with his new wife prove increasingly challenging, his carefully laid plans teetering on the brink of unraveling. In a well-intentioned but misguided effort to help, John inadvertently reveals Justin’s surprise to Leah.

Overwhelmed with a mix of love and guilt, Leah rushes home, her mind racing with thoughts of what Justin might have planned. As she bursts through the door, she’s greeted by a sight that takes her breath away: Justin, beaming with pride, standing beside a beautifully prepared romantic dinner. The scene before her is a touching reminder of the depth of their love and commitment, transforming a simple evening into a cherished memory of their new life together.

10. Remi and Bree get closure

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Caught in an emotional whirlwind, Remi grapples with conflicting feelings—lingering affection for Bree intertwined with regret over ending things with Stevie. This internal struggle leaves him questioning the true nature of his desires and the path forward for his heart.

After much soul-searching, Remi decides to pursue a reconciliation with Stevie, only to face a harsh rejection that leaves him reeling. It’s Eden who provides the wake-up call, urging Remi to finally move past his feelings for Bree.

Taking this advice to heart, Remi initiates a long-overdue conversation with Bree. As they delve into the complexities of their past relationship, both find themselves on an unexpectedly cathartic journey. The honest dialogue allows them to address unresolved issues, acknowledge the growth they’ve experienced, and ultimately find a sense of closure that had eluded them. This pivotal moment marks a turning point, freeing both Remi and Bree to move forward, unburdened by the weight of their shared history.

11. Remi and Stevie are back on

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In a moment of reflection, Stevie realizes her hasty rejection of Remi may have been a mistake. Swallowing her pride, she approaches him, seeking an opportunity to talk things through. What begins as a tentative conversation soon evolves into a passionate reconnection, reigniting the spark between them.

As they navigate this rekindled romance, both Remi and Stevie find themselves cautiously optimistic, their previous hesitations giving way to a renewed sense of possibility. Their affection for each other becomes increasingly evident, drawing the attention of those around them.

The following day, Bree unexpectedly witnesses a tender moment between the couple. To her own surprise, she finds herself genuinely happy for Remi, recognizing that he has truly moved on. This encounter serves as a turning point, not just for Remi and Stevie, but for Bree as well, as she finds closure in seeing her ex-partner’s happiness.

As their relationship blossoms, the question lingers: will Remi and Stevie take the plunge and make their reunion official, or will past uncertainties continue to cast a shadow over their future?

12. Justin turns movie star

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The set of “All Our Tomorrows” is thrown into chaos when news breaks of a supporting actor’s ankle injury, leaving the production team scrambling for a last-minute replacement. As Nelson frantically searches for someone who matches the actor’s physical specifications, his gaze falls upon an unlikely candidate: Justin Morgan.

Leah, caught up in the excitement of the moment, enthusiastically volunteers her husband for the role. Initially hesitant, Justin finds himself thrust into the spotlight, trading his mechanic’s overalls for the glamour of the silver screen.

To everyone’s astonishment, including his own, Justin discovers an untapped talent for acting. His natural charm and unexpected screen presence captivate both the cast and crew. As he delivers his lines with surprising ease and authenticity, a palpable buzz begins to circulate on set.

What started as a desperate solution to a production crisis may just have uncovered Summer Bay’s newest star, leaving everyone to wonder if this could be the beginning of an exciting new chapter in Justin’s life.

13. Cash gives Harper and Dana an idea

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As the trial approaches, Harper and Dana find themselves increasingly anxious about testifying against Tane. Sensing their distress, Rose enlists Cash’s help to alleviate their concerns. Cash, drawing from his law enforcement experience, attempts to reassure the sisters, particularly focusing on calming Dana’s frayed nerves.

During their conversation, Cash explains the inevitability of Dana taking the stand, emphasizing the legal obligations involved. However, in an attempt to provide context, he inadvertently mentions a past case where a witness claimed amnesia to avoid incriminating testimony.

This casual remark plants a seed in the sisters’ minds, presenting an unexpected potential loophole. As Harper and Dana exchange meaningful glances, the possibility of manipulating the court process through feigned memory loss begins to take shape.

Their contemplation of this risky strategy raises ethical questions and potentially far-reaching consequences. Will they succumb to the temptation of exploiting this legal grey area, or will their conscience guide them towards honesty, despite the personal cost?

14. Tane gets his affairs in order

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Faced with the harsh reality of his situation, Tane receives a sobering assessment from Marshall: if found guilty, he could be looking at a 15-year prison sentence. The gravity of this potential outcome weighs heavily on Tane, prompting him to take decisive action.

With a sense of urgency, Tane arranges a meeting with Cash to put his affairs in order. In a poignant moment, he expresses his wish for Felicity to inherit the gym should he be incarcerated, ensuring his legacy and her financial security. This gesture underscores the depth of Tane’s love and concern for Felicity, even in the face of his own uncertain future.

Demonstrating further selflessness, Tane makes a heartfelt request of Cash: to keep Felicity away from the impending hearing. His determination to shield her from additional pain reveals the extent of his protective nature and the strength of their bond, even as he prepares for the possibility of a long separation.

15. Stevie is shot

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On the morning of Tane’s trial, the air in Summer Bay is thick with tension. Cash’s world is suddenly upended by an alarming call from his superiors: Sidney Wickham, Stevie’s relentless stalker, has been unexpectedly released. Immediately recognizing the grave danger this poses, Cash springs into action, his instincts screaming that Stevie is at risk.

Racing against time, Cash tears towards the beach where Stevie is filming an emotionally charged scene for “All Our Tomorrows”. The serene backdrop of crashing waves and golden sand stands in stark contrast to the impending danger.

Suddenly, the peaceful set is shattered by the sharp crack of a gunshot. From the shadows, a lone gunman has taken aim at Stevie. As the bullet finds its mark, time seems to stand still. Cash sprints towards Stevie’s motionless form sprawled on the sand, his heart pounding with fear and adrenaline. The fate of the beloved actress hangs precariously in the balance, leaving everyone to wonder: will Stevie survive this terrifying ordeal?

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