10 huge Coronation Street spoilers for next week (June 24 to 28)

Coronation Street fans, brace yourselves for another week of gripping drama on the cobbles! The upcoming episodes promise to keep viewers on the edge of their seats with shocking twists and heartwarming moments. As Gemma finds herself in a desperate situation, we’ll see just how far she’s willing to go. Meanwhile, Kevin faces a tense confrontation with Stefan that could have far-reaching consequences. On a happier note, love is in the air as Dee-Dee and Joel’s relationship takes an exciting new turn. Don’t miss a moment of the action as these storylines unfold in next week’s must-watch episodes of Coronation Street!

1. Gemma makes a huge mistake

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Gemma Winter’s financial woes continue to spiral out of control in the upcoming episodes of Coronation Street. Already struggling to make ends meet, she’s devastated to receive a £70 parking fine in the post. To make matters worse, her daughter Carys urgently needs new shoes, adding to the mounting pressure on the overwhelmed mother.

Determined to provide for her child, Gemma takes Carys to a local shoe shop for a fitting. However, her heart sinks when she realizes the £45 price tag is far beyond her means. Watching Carys wince in pain from her ill-fitting shoes, Gemma’s desperation reaches a breaking point.

In a moment of weakness, Gemma makes a decision that could have severe consequences. Seizing an opportunity when the shop assistant is momentarily distracted, she hastily ushers Carys out of the store without paying for the shoes. This rash act of shoplifting not only jeopardizes Gemma’s reputation but could also lead to legal trouble, potentially affecting her family’s already precarious situation.

As the gravity of her actions sinks in, viewers will be left wondering how Gemma will navigate the aftermath of this impulsive decision.

2. Bernie is suspicious

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Gemma’s ill-advised decision to shoplift Carys’s shoes quickly comes under scrutiny. Her mother, Bernie, always attentive to the family’s financial situation, immediately notices the new footwear. Caught off guard, Gemma finds herself struggling to explain how she managed to afford such a purchase given their tight budget.

The tension escalates when Joseph’s school friends come over for dinner at Number 5. What should have been a pleasant evening takes a dramatic turn as the parents arrive to collect their children. Gemma’s world comes crashing down when she recognizes one of the fathers – likely the owner or an employee of the shoe shop she stole from.

This chance encounter threatens to expose Gemma’s desperate act. As she grapples with her guilt and fear of discovery, viewers will be left wondering how she’ll navigate this precarious situation. Will Gemma confess to Bernie? Can she keep her composure around the father she recognizes? The repercussions of her actions are poised to unfold, potentially jeopardizing her relationships and standing in the community.

3. Kit comes to Gemma’s rescue

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Gemma’s shoplifting escapade reaches a critical point when she’s arrested and brought into the police station. In a stroke of fortune, Kit, a police officer with connections to the Winter family, is on duty when Gemma arrives. Overwhelmed with concern, Bernie implores Kit to intervene on Gemma’s behalf, hoping his position might offer some leniency.

Rising to the occasion, Kit takes extraordinary measures to help Gemma. He visits the shoe shop owner, engaging in a delicate negotiation to potentially have the charges dropped. His efforts showcase a commitment that goes beyond his professional duties, hinting at a deeper connection or motivation.

Grateful yet puzzled by Kit’s dedicated assistance, Gemma introduces him to Chesney and the children as a way of expressing her appreciation. However, this heartwarming moment is cut short when Kit receives a mysterious call from his father, adding an intriguing layer to his character and leaving viewers to speculate about his background and true intentions in helping Gemma.

4. Stefan backtracks on his deal with Kevin

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Kevin Webster’s brief moment of triumph turns sour in a dramatic turn of events on Coronation Street. Initially elated after seemingly strong-arming Stefan into removing the deep fake videos of Abi, Kevin shares his victory with Tyrone, believing he’s protected his wife’s reputation.

However, Stefan’s apparent capitulation proves short-lived. In a shocking reversal, he contacts Kevin to declare their agreement null and void. Stefan reveals the staggering annual cost of £60,000 to maintain the removal of the videos, a figure he flatly refuses to pay.

This development leaves Kevin reeling, exposing the fragility of his leverage against Stefan. The situation raises questions about the long-term consequences of digital exploitation and the challenges of combating online harassment. As Kevin grapples with this setback, viewers are left wondering how he’ll protect Abi’s dignity and what lengths he might go to in order to counter Stefan’s callous disregard for the harm caused by the deep fakes.

5. Abi needs a break

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The relentless stress of the deep fake scandal takes its toll on Abi Webster, pushing her to a breaking point. In the wake of Stefan’s callous refusal to remove the videos, Abi confides in Kevin about her desperate need for respite from the constant turmoil.

Recognizing the strain on her mental health, Abi makes the difficult decision to temporarily leave Weatherfield. She plans a short stay with her friend Lynsey and the twins, hoping the change of scenery will provide some much-needed peace and perspective.

As Abi prepares to depart, Kevin puts on a brave face, masking his own anxiety and frustration. He understands the importance of this break for Abi’s wellbeing, but can’t help feeling a mix of concern for her and anger towards Stefan. This temporary separation adds another layer of complexity to the Websters’ ongoing struggle, leaving viewers to ponder how this time apart might impact their relationship and their fight against Stefan’s malicious actions.

6. Dee-Dee and Joel’s engagement is revealed

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The path to marital bliss takes an unexpected turn for Dee-Dee Bailey and Joel Deering as they navigate the complex world of future in-laws. Following an initially tense meeting with Joel’s parents, Dee-Dee braces herself for another potentially uncomfortable encounter. However, she’s pleasantly surprised when Anthea and Gus extend an olive branch, with Anthea offering a heartfelt apology for their previous behavior.

Just as the air begins to clear and relationships seem to be on the mend, Amy inadvertently drops a bombshell. She casually mentions Dee-Dee and Joel’s engagement, leaving Anthea and Gus visibly shocked. This unplanned revelation adds a new layer of complexity to the family dynamics.

The sudden disclosure raises questions about how Joel’s parents will react to being left out of the loop. Will this reignite tensions or serve as a catalyst for deeper understanding between the families? As Dee-Dee and Joel’s engagement becomes public knowledge, viewers are left wondering how this will impact their relationship and their standing with both sets of parents.

7. Joel receives a warning

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What should be a joyous celebration of Dee-Dee and Joel’s engagement takes an ominous turn on Coronation Street. As friends and family gather for a congratulatory lunch, the festive atmosphere is shattered by an unexpected phone call to Joel.

The caller, identified as a friend of Sabrina, delivers a chilling ultimatum: Joel must meet with her, or face dire consequences. This cryptic threat casts a long shadow over the proceedings, leaving Joel visibly shaken and struggling to maintain his composure amidst the celebratory gathering.

The identity of Sabrina and her connection to Joel remain a mystery, adding an element of intrigue and suspense to the unfolding drama. As Joel grapples with this sudden complication, viewers are left to speculate about his past and what secrets might be lurking beneath the surface. Will Joel confide in Dee-Dee about this ominous message? How will this unexpected development impact their newly announced engagement? The stage is set for potentially explosive revelations that could test the couple’s relationship and Joel’s standing in the community.

8. Michael disapproves of Glenda’s feud

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The ongoing discord between Glenda and George takes center stage, threatening to disrupt multiple relationships on the Street. In a gesture of reconciliation, George approaches Glenda at the café, extending an olive branch in the form of a drink to settle their differences.

However, Glenda’s persistent animosity towards George begins to strain her budding romance with Michael. Perceptive to Michael’s growing disapproval, Glenda fears this conflict might be jeopardizing their relationship before it has truly begun.

The situation escalates dramatically when Glenda, in a bold and potentially manipulative move, presents George with an outrageous ultimatum at Shuttleworths’: she’ll drop her case against him in exchange for his house. This audacious demand leaves viewers astounded and questioning Glenda’s true motives.

As tensions rise, the repercussions of this feud threaten to ripple through the community. Will George capitulate to Glenda’s outlandish demand? Can Michael and Glenda’s relationship withstand the strain of this conflict? The stage is set for a potentially explosive confrontation that could reshape multiple dynamics on Coronation Street.

9. Steve jumps to the wrong conclusion

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As Steve McDonald’s milestone 50th birthday approaches, his friend Tim Metcalfe convinces him to celebrate with a night out on the town. However, Tim’s well-intentioned plans quickly unravel when Sally informs him of a conflicting invitation – the unveiling of football legend Tommy Orpington’s bronze bust at the County grounds, scheduled for the same evening.

Caught between friendship and an unmissable social event, Tim attempts to let Steve down gently, carefully avoiding mention of the true reason for cancelling their plans. This white lie, meant to spare Steve’s feelings, backfires spectacularly when Steve’s imagination runs wild. Misinterpreting Tim’s vague excuses, Steve becomes convinced that a surprise party is in the works.

This misunderstanding sets the stage for potential comedic situations and disappointments. Will Steve’s inflated expectations lead to embarrassment when the truth comes to light? How will Tim navigate this delicate situation without hurting his friend’s feelings? As Steve’s birthday approaches, viewers are left wondering how this mix-up will play out and whether it might lead to unexpected revelations or opportunities for the birthday boy.

10. Amy has disappointing news for Steve

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Steve McDonald’s anticipation for his 50th birthday takes a series of unfortunate turns. His misinterpretation of overheard conversations between Sally and Tim only reinforces his misguided belief in an impending surprise party, setting the stage for potential disappointment.

Meanwhile, Amy reluctantly delivers a crushing blow to her father’s hopes. Tracy, Steve’s estranged wife, has decided to extend her stay in Spain, cancelling her planned visit to Weatherfield. This news devastates Steve, who had been secretly harboring plans to win Tracy back during her visit.

Despite this setback, Steve clings to the notion of his non-existent surprise party, questioning an bewildered Cassie, Kevin, and Tyrone about the imaginary event. His friends’ confusion goes unnoticed as Steve’s excitement builds, oblivious to the fact that no such celebration is in the works.

As Steve’s actual birthday approaches, tension builds around his inflated expectations. Will his friends rally to hastily organize a last-minute gathering, or is Steve destined for a sobering reality check on his milestone birthday? The situation teeters between potential heartbreak and the possibility of unexpected kindness from the Weatherfield community.

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